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The African Cocoa Initiative (ACI) is expected to lead to the establishment of 100,000 cocoa farms in Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria.

According to Scott Wallace, IFDC country representative in Nigeria, “The program will foster public-private cooperative investments in cocoa and agriculture. It will also improve the genetic quality and productivity of cocoa varieties under cultivation and expand farmers’ education and training programs.”

As an implementing agency for the ACI, IFDC is providing expertise to improve participating farmers’ access to fertilizer and is recommending appropriate fertilizer use.

Note: The article incorrectly states that IFDC is ‘bankrolling’ the project. IFDC, along with additional public and private partners, is helping implement the initiative with funding from the World Cocoa Foundation, Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative and U.S. Agency for International Development.

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