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After sending out Humayun Kabir’s story to our global communications team, we heard from an IFDC soil scientist in Bangladesh who knows Kabir personally and witnessed his thriving first-hand. Since we last heard from Kabir, he was leasing a hectare of land to set up a demonstration field for fertilizer deep placement. His goal was to teach farmers about the benefits of better fertilizer use. This of course is part of the bigger picture of what Kabir is trying to do. “We have to take care of everybody and everything around us,” he said when we last interviewed him.

Our field scientist reported that Kabir has expanded his business by making fertilizer briquettes for all the fertilizer dealers in the area. He’s making the technology more affordable by lowering his production price by 25 percent. Still, Kabir continues to increase his earnings manifold. Our field scientist also reported that “He has built a new house, bought good clothes for his family and made many other financial advancements.”

Helping farmers use better fertilizer works. Other farmers from West Africa to East Asia continue to learn to use environmentally friendly fertilizer and sustainable farming techniques. And it’s not at an economic loss. These farmers are thriving and, at the same time, protecting the environment. They are the heroes of Earth Day.

Do you have a story of a hero of Earth Day? Tweet us and let us know!

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