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Scientists have made great strides toward feeding the world in the last century. Norman Borlaug bred stronger, higher yielding wheat strains. Various scientists brought precision agriculture to commercial farms. Scientists at the Tennessee Valley Authority created slow-release, high-analysis fertilizers. Still 805 million people experience chronic hunger. Many smallholder farmers in developing nations are poor. Young people are leaving the farms. Women farmers, especially, often have fewer land rights and opportunities. Climate change runs the gamut. For these reasons and more, the world needs sustainable agricultural innovation – it’s not just about hunger.

When we talk about agricultural innovation, we usually talk about hunger. IFDC sees innovation as a whole picture. Let’s not limit ourselves to one issue. More is at stake. Over the next couple of months, IFDC Perspectives will feature six pieces of the innovation puzzle. Consider these next couple of months a call to action, and join us in piecing together the innovation puzzle.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s ahead:

  • Population: A growing population needs a growing food supply
  • Climate change: Innovating to help farmers adapt
  • Poverty: Reducing investment costs, increasing profits
  • Youth: Creating opportunities both on and off the farm
  • Nutrition: Nourishing people not just feeding them
  • Gender Equality: Empowering women as well as men

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