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The Fertilizer Sector Improvement (FSI+) project hosted a team from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), including USAID Administrator Gayle Smith, USAID Assistant Administrator for Asia Jonathan Stivers, and USAID Burma Mission Director Chris Milligan.

FSI Chief of Party Grahame Hunter, along with project staff and farmer beneficiaries, demonstrated the rapid results of the project so far.

The team visited a rice demonstration, where they were able to view and participate with a demonstration farmer in the harvesting and threshing of a rice crop grown with urea deep placement compared with farmer practice.

FSI+ staff then showed how the rice is cleaned and weighed, demonstrating that the rice grown with UDP and good agricultural practices yielded 1.5 times more than farmer practice.

Following the demonstration, farmers who have benefited from the project visited to share their stories and ask questions.

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