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A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IFDC and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries in Kenya has prepared the ground for much broader collaboration with public-sector agencies in the country. As part of the Toward Sustainable Clusters in Agribusiness through Learning in Entrepreneurship (2SCALE) consortium, IFDC signed the agreement in July 2016. IFDC already has accreditation and diplomatic privileges under a separate agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The new agreement provides a framework for extending IFDC’s work on agribusiness development, blended fertilizers, technology transfer, and other areas.

Planned activities include a joint study on the impacts of fertilizer subsidies and technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture in developing policies to stimulate growth in the fertilizer industry. IFDC will also expand its work on new fertilizer formulations (soil- and crop-specific, micronutrient-enriched blends) and soil mapping to identify nutrient deficiencies.

These agreements help ease administrative procedures for acquiring equipment, recruiting staff, and other areas. They also strengthen IFDC’s ability to reach out to new partners to develop tailored solutions to local agribusiness challenges.


New agreement with Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture: Richard Lesiyampe (left), Principal Secretary, and Steve Humphreys (right), Director of IFDC’s East and Southern Africa Division

Dr. Richard Lesiyampe, Principal Secretary at the Ministry, emphasized the need for market-led development that encourages investors as well as small-scale farmers. IFDC is pleased that policymakers share the organization’s vision and are fully supportive of the impacts being achieved by 2SCALE and its partners.

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