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This is the first “issue” of From the Corner Office, a regularly updated series of thoughts from IFDC’s president and CEO, Dr. J. Scott Angle. Check back regularly for trip updates and other news from Dr. Angle.

Lots of Interest at the IFA Meeting in Working with IFDC

Located in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, where 70% of all the fertilizers sold in the world today were developed, the IFDC Pilot Plant is one of the few pilot facilities in the world capable of developing new products and processes for the fertilizer industry. Along with Applied Chemical Technologies, the area continues to be a hot bed for fertilizer innovation.

At the recent International Fertilizer Association meeting in Marrakech, Morocco, Ramon Lazo de la Vega, the chief engineer and director of IFDC’s Pilot Plant, met with numerous companies and businesses inquiring about how IFDC could help their businesses grow, sell more product, reduce their environmental footprint, and, ultimately, become more profitable. Kudos to Ramon for helping the industry innovate and grow, ultimately using fertilizers to feed an ever-growing hungry population.

Ultimately, whether we’re collaborating with individuals in the fertilizer industry to create new products or assisting a farmer to maximize yields, we’re always working toward our end goal: eliminating global poverty and hunger.

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