Since its inception, IFDC has grown and established itself as an independent expert in soil fertility with proven ability to move research from the lab to the field. The organization has learned at every opportunity, adapted to meet new challenges, and constantly evolved to become what we are today. After 44 years of growth, it’s time our logo caught up.
Our new logo was designed with innovation and growth in mind. The vibrant colors inspire hope in our shared future and reflect the varied color palettes and ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals. The wheat plant in the middle pays homage to Dr. Norman Borlaug, the Father of the Green Revolution, and also symbolizes five of our organizational strengths, as described in our Strategic Plan:
1. Independent Expertise in Soil and Fertilizer
2. Bridging Research and Technology Transfer
3. Capacity Building
4. Agricultural Market Development
5. Project Management
Though we have a new look, IFDC remains committed to nurturing the soil and helping farmers grow and sell more food. We strive for the realization of global food and nutrition security. Whether simply changing our logo or taking a new approach to solving a problem, IFDC will continue to learn, adapt, evolve, and grow to meet the needs of our ever-changing world.
For our full branding package click here.