IFDC’s Accelerating Vegetable Production Improvement (AVPI) project, supported by the Walmart Foundation, has reached 40,000 women in approximately 233 villages across Bangladesh. With the help of AVPI, women are receiving the knowledge and tools they need to increase their vegetable production with fertilizer deep placement and good agricultural practices (GAPs). In fact, the use of GAPs has nearly tripled returns for farmers in just one year in Bangladesh. This is especially the case as more women are learning about GAPs.
Part 1 of the AVPI video series highlights Mita, a smallholder agriculture entrepreneur in Bangladesh. Mita is using improved farming techniques to increase yields and boost household income. Her garden also ensures nutritious food for her family.
Part 2 of the AVPI series showcases the scope of AVPI’s work. Part 3 introduces Salma, a small business owner. She first learned about the use of urea briquettes (prilled urea compressed into large granules) and good agricultural practices through AVPI. Now, Salma owns two briquetting machines, one of which she purchased through support from the Walmart Foundation.
Through the AVPI project, IFDC and the Walmart Foundation are shaping the role women farmers play in their local economies and in the livelihoods of their families.