IFDC’s Board of Directors has unanimously approved the addition of three new Board members: Ms. Josephine Ayugi Okot (Uganda), managing director and owner of Victoria Seeds Ltd. and board member of the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA); Mr. Mark Schneiders (The Netherlands), CEO of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and former chief development officer of the African Development Corporation; and Dr. Paul Vlek (The Netherlands), former director of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources at the Center for Development Research at the University of Bonn. The decision took place during a mid-year board meeting on May 28, 2020.
“Though three members of our board departed in the last 18 months, we are pleased that Ms. Okot, Mr. Shneiders, and Dr. Vlek bring renewed strength and ideas to our number and will greatly aid IFDC in our pursuit of a food-secure and environmentally sustainable world,” said IFDC President and CEO Albin Hubscher.
Additionally, the board voted for Mr. Peter McPherson (United States), president of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) and former United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator and president of Michigan State University, to rejoin the board as a regular voting member. Mr. McPherson previously served on the IFDC board as ex officio board chair emeritus.
IFDC’s annual board meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 28-29, 2020.