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On March 8, the IFDC office in Burundi hosted a workshop celebrating International Women’s Day. The workshop was based on the theme, “IFDC is pleased to join the celebration of International Women’s Day,” and activities corresponded with the country’s theme for the holiday: “Committed leadership for an innovative digitization of gender equality.”

The IFDC Burundi team poses for a picture with project beneficiaries

The workshop featured a variety of activities. Consolée Barikore, IFDC’s training and gender specialist in Burundi, gave a presentation on the concept of gender integration that IFDC implements in the country. Beneficiaries of the PAGRIS project also performed sketches on peaceful conflict, task distribution, decision-making and joint management within the household, and women’s leadership.

A woman in a multi-colored top gives a speech in front of a window

On the sidelines, two testimonials were given by PAGRIS and PSSD project beneficiaries. One female seed entrepreneur spoke about how her business has succeeded thanks to the PSSD project’s support. In addition, a farming couple, supported by PAGRIS, talked about behavior change in the household thanks to the training they received on transformational leadership.

A husband and wife stand in front of red and blue chairs.

During the workshop, Radio Isanganiro broadcasted live coverage of the event. Access the radio coverage in French and Kirundi, the national language of Burundi, below.

French Radio Column
Kirundi Radio Column