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Dr. Bocar Diagana has over 30 years of technical expertise in agricultural policy, technological transfer and value chain development, and project management. Since 2014, he has supported IFDC to successfully acquire over $25 million in new program funding in Mali, Niger, Senegal, and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region. Under IFDC’S West Africa Fertilizer Program and the EnGRAIS project, Diagana analyzed fertilizer subsidy programs in eight West African countries and led the development of regional guidelines to improve current programs. From 2017 to date, he has led IFDC assistance to the Government of Niger to develop and implement a fertilizer sector reform plan. He supported the development and successful implementation of the $6 million USAID-funded Mali FDP MD Project (2014-2019). As a Policy Economist for IFDC’s €23 million Netherlands-funded MIR Plus Project (2009-2013), he worked on promoting urea deep placement (UDP) technology in Burkina, Mali, Niger, and Senegal and updating fertilizer recommendations. Diagana holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Michigan State University.