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Marcel Nibasumba is an experienced international development and marketing professional with a rich and diverse background spanning 10 years in both the private sector with Brarudi S.A. in Burundi and with the international non-governmental organization Mercy Corps in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. His expertise includes project management, inclusive private sector development, and business development, culminating in a comprehensive skill set. Marcel is committed to delivering impactful results and positive changes in the development landscape, continuously striving to foster innovation and excellence in his work. 

Before joining IFDC in January 2024, Marcel held a pivotal role as Consortium Lead of the South Kivu Food Security Project (FSP)-Enyanya Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) financed by USAID and led by Mercy Corps that used a market systems development approach to alleviate poverty and foster inclusive growth. Marcel holds a master’s degree in business administration from the United States International University in Kenya and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Uganda Martyrs University. He is also a certified expert in Financial Inclusion Policy from Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.