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Dr. Yam Gaihre serves as the IFDC focal person in Nepal and coordinates field research activities in Asian countries, including Nepal, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. He liaises with the national agriculture research and extension system (NARES) for research partnership and capacity building.

Gaihre has more than 15 years of experience in soil fertility- and fertilizer-related research in a rice-based cropping system. His expertise lies in soil fertility and fertilizer management, carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a rice-based cropping system, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions measurement and mitigation of GHGs through efficient fertilizer, water and residue management, and climate-smart agriculture. He has worked on several research and development projects in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Philippines, and Nepal.

Before joining IFDC, Gaihre worked at the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) during 2004-2013 and as a post-doctoral fellow at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines, from 2012 to 2013. 

Gaihre holds a doctorate in soil science from the University of the Philippines. He has published more than 25 peer-reviewed scientific papers. 

Baral, B., K. Pande, Y. Gaihre, K. Baral, S. Sah, and Y. Thapa. 2020. “Farmers’ Fertilizer Application Gap in Rice-Based Cropping System: A Case Study of Nepal,” SAARC Journal of Agriculture, 17(2):267-277.

Baral, B., K. Pande, Y. Gaihre, K. Baral, S. Sah, Y. Thapa, and U. Singh. 2020. “Increasing Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice Through Fertilizer Application Method Under Rainfed Drought Conditions in Nepal,” Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 118:103-114.

Dhakal, K., B. Baral, K. Pokhrel, N. Pandit, S. Thapa, Y. Gaihre, and S.P. Vista. 2020. “Deep Placement of Briquetted Urea Increases Agronomic and Economic Efficiency of Maize in Sandy Load Soil,” AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science, 42(3):499-508.

Gaihre, Y., U. Singh, W. Bible, J. Fugice, and J. Sanabria. 2020. “Mitigating N2O and NO Emissions from Direct-Seeded Rice with Nitrification Inhibitor and Urea Deep Placement,” Rice Science, 27(5):434-444.

Islam, S.M.M., Y. Gaihre, M.R. Islam, M. Akter, A. Al Mahmud, U. Singh, and B.O. Sander. 2020. “Effect of Water Management on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Farmers’ Rice Fields in Bangladesh,” Science of the Total Environment, 734:139382.

Siddique, I.A., A. Al Mahmud, M. Hossain, M.R. Islam, Y. Gaihre, and U. Singh. 2020. “Movement and Retention of NH4-N in Wetland Rice Soils as Affected by Urea Application Methods,” Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 20(2):589-597.

Gaihre YK, Bible WD, Singh U, Sanabria J. 2019. Quantifying nitric oxide emissions under rice-wheat cropping systems. Environmental Pollution 250: 856-862

Gaihre YK, Singh U, Islam SMM, Huda A, Islam MR, Sanabria J, Satter MA, et al. 2018. Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions and nitrogen use efficiency as affected by nitrogen placement in lowland rice fields.Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 110: 277-291

Islam SMM, Gaihre YK,  Biswas JC, Singh U, et al. 2018. Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from lowland rice cultivation with urea deep placement and alternate wetting and drying irrigation. Nature Scientific Reports DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-35939-7

Islam SMM, Gaihre YK, Biswas JC, Singh U, et al. 2018. Different nitrogen rates and methods of application for dry season rice cultivation with alternate wetting and drying irrigation: Fate of nitrogen and grain yield. Agricultural Water Management 196: 144-153

Huda A, Gaihre YK, Islam MR, Singh U, Islam Md. R, Sanabria J, Satter MA, Afroz H, Halder A, Jahiruddin M. 2016. Floodwater ammonium, nitrogen use efficiency and rice yields with fertilizer deep placement and alternate wetting and drying under triple rice cropping systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. DOI 10.1007/s10705-015-9758-6

Gaihre YK, Singh U, Islam SMM, Huda A, Islam MR, Satter MA, Sanabria J, Islam Md. R, Shah, AL. 2015. Impacts of urea deep placement on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from rice fields in Bangladesh. Geoderma, 259-260: 370-379. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.06.001.