Since 2014, the Feed the Future Nigeria Agro-Inputs Project has promoted a private sector-led agricultural inputs market that enables farmers to access quality and affordable inputs. With funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the ultimate goal has been to help Nigerian smallholder farmers increase agricultural productivity.
More than 1,500 agro-dealers were trained and certified on product knowledge and business management practices. The project also expanded agro-dealer networks to women, youth, and other vulnerable groups in rural areas as well as linked agro-dealers to financial institutions and end markets. A total of 4,000 farmers were exposed to new technologies, including urea deep placement.
MBS Merchant employees bag fertilizer. The Feed the Future Nigeria Agro-Inputs Project worked with agro-inputs manufacturers, like MBS, and marketers to develop a supply system that improved farmers' access to quality products.
SAMSUNG CSThe Nigeria Agro-Inputs Project introduced cassava farmers to a new fertilizer blend (NPKS). The farmers supply cassava to Psaltry International Limited, a 2SCALE project partner.
This agro-input dealer and project beneficiary showcases new technology (Agrolyzers, a micronutrient-based fertilizer) on his farm to nearby farmers.
his training workshop was led by a trained and certified Master Trainer. The Master Trainer is an agro-input dealer trained by the project to further train new and existing agro-input dealers in his catchment zone. These individuals can provide training services at a fee for companies and individuals.
The project selected “New Generation Agro-Input Dealers” and trained them to build farmers’ capacity and serve as focal points for technological interventions, extension agents, produce off-takers, financial institutions, and farm equipment suppliers
A Harvest Field sales representative displays crop protection products during a green field day hosted by the project.