
Healthier soils and plants for a food-secure and environmentally sustainable world.


Bring together innovative research, market expertise, and strategic public and private sector partners to identify and scale sustainable solutions for soil and plant nutrition that benefit farmers, entrepreneurs, and the environment

A Brief Biography

IFDC is a nonprofit, science-based organization working to alleviate global hunger and poverty by improving sustainable agricultural productivity. The organization was established in 1974 in response to the twin crises of food insecurity and rising energy prices. Through an Executive Order decreed by U.S. President Jimmy Carter, IFDC was classified as a nonprofit, public international organization (the same international status as the United Nations and the World Bank) in 1977. IFDC is governed by an international board of directors and supported by bilateral and multilateral aid agencies, private enterprises and foundations. Headquartered in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, IFDC is led by President and CEO Henk van Duijn. The organization’s more than 300 international staff work in over 20 countries worldwide. IFDC’s global presence has touched more than 130 countries over nearly 50 years.

Why Our Work Is Important

Over the coming decades, global population growth will drive a substantial increase in food demand. By 2050, our world will need to feed almost 10 billion people, 2.3 billion more than today. Global hunger is now beginning to tick upward again after a decade of progress.

We believe soil is the earth’s most valuable asset, the answer to global agricultural and food systems challenges. And yet this resource from which we all benefit is one of the most vulnerable to climate change.

IFDC plays a critical role in tackling global issues of food systems and soil and plant nutrition through the development and transfer of affordable, effective fertilizer technologies. IFDC’s solutions span a wide spectrum of research and development work, including production process research, applied research on soil systems, development of innovative fertilizer products and application technologies, market systems development to strengthen input and output value chains, and policy analysis to enable fertilizer importation, business development, and smallholder adoption of fertilizer and other soil fertility technologies.

Currently, our work focuses on bridging the gaps between research, development, and markets with the ultimate goal of improving soil health and livelihoods in developing nations around the world. By partnering with donor organizations, national governments, private sector actors, and local entrepreneurs, we strive to achieve a shared vision of a world without hunger.

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For all media inquiries, contact:

James Thigpen
Global Corporate Communications Manager
(256) 381-6600 ext. 344