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The Resilience through Agriculture in South Sudan (RASS) Project is a USAID-funded project being implemented by DAI LLC, Care International, the Waterfield Design Group, and IFDC. This three-year project (2021-2025) serves as a vital companion to the many humanitarian relief and recovery efforts in South Sudan. By layering, sequencing, and integrating development activities with humanitarian efforts, RASS will aim to improve food security, community and household recovery, and resilience in South Sudan.

Hard-working women from South Sudan look into the distance

Expected Outcomes

  1. Strengthen local systems’ and community groups’ capacities to sustain gender responsive, diversified, and market-sensitive agriculture production.
  2. Increase the availability of, access to, and utilization of diverse, safe, and affordable diets in South Sudan.
  3. Expand opportunities for sustainable, locally-driven livelihoods.
  4. Graduate communities from high Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC)
    to low IPC Acute Food Insecurity (AFI).

RASS is led by DAI LLC and implemented together with IFDC, Care International, and the Waterfield Design Group under a USAID-funded budget of $24,000,000.

DAI LLC logo
The RASS Project is led by DAI LLC.


  • Provided 2,585 farmers with quality certified seeds.
  • Built the multiplication capacity of 80 seed multipliers.
  • Reached 2,712 people with gender-sensitization messaging, not including those reached through radio, town halls, and open forums.

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