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IFDC is proud to release our annual report for 2018.

Last year was marked by changes in IFDC’s administration, the close of several projects, and the beginning of new ones. Our annual report features the Feed the Future Ghana Agriculture Technology Transfer (ATT) project, which empowered farmers with technical know-how centered around quality seed delivery, improving soil fertility, and employing good water management practices. We also feature the Resilient Efficient Agribusiness Chains (REACH-Uganda) project in a special photo essay. REACH is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Uganda and works to build resilient market systems and farm households with a focus on rice and potato value chains. You can find a dynamic version of the REACH photo essay in this Adobe Spark story.

We hope you will enjoy exploring our work across the world as we continue to help farmers sustainably grow and sell more food.

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