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With hygienic measures being implemented to contain the spread of COVID-19, IFDC’s field office in Mozambique utilized a recent field day to incorporate COVID-19 awareness and practices while teaching balanced fertilization practices to rice growers in the Buzi district of the Sofala province in Mozambique. Since the November 2018 cropping season, IFDC’s Mozambique office has conducted ongoing crop trials in this region under the USAID-funded Feed the Future Soil Fertility Technology (SFT) Adoption, Policy Reform and Knowledge Management Project.

The office organized demonstrations at farmers’ fields to show the effect of balanced fertilizers that include secondary and micronutrients (specifically, Sulphur, Zinc, Boron, and Copper) in addition to primary nutrients to improve rice yields.

During the demonstration, strict hygienic measures were practiced as prescribed by the Government of Mozambique to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  Practices were observed such as convening a very small group of farmers (15), implementing social distancing of 1 to 1.5 meters, and establishing hand washing facilities.

Educating rural farming communities on COVID-19 measures is critical, and as demonstrated by our field offices in Mozambique, existing agriculture technology transfer initiatives can be used as a platform to promote such measures while still achieving technology transfer goals. Such innovation and efficiency allows food-insecure communities in countries such as Mozambique to continue practicing farming as a business, without interrupting daily farming operations, while complying with government-mandated measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19 among their communities.

Read more about IFDC’s commitment to the safety of our staff, partners, and beneficiaries during the coronavirus crisis.