A new Springer open access publication, The Innovation Revolution in Agriculture: A Roadmap to Value Creation, features a chapter highlighting 2SCALE’s approach, results, and lessons learned while implementing base-of-the-pyramid-focused marketing and distribution pilot programs.
The goal of the chapter is to showcase the approach, results, and lessons learned while implementing pilots. Under the 2SCALE program, more than 20 agribusinesses have developed new nutritious products and have run marketing and distribution pilots. The lessons derived from this experience can be useful for both agribusinesses themselves and incubating programs.
The first section of this chapter highlights the opportunity at the BoP and the rationale behind implementing pilots, including the importance of BoP-specific marketing and distribution strategies. The second one runs through the approach and stages of developing and implementing pilots. This section is followed by an overview of tools and strategies being used in pilot development, whereas the final two sections explain lessons learned and the next steps.