At the 2021 Argus Africa Fertilizer Conference held virtually February 24, 2021, the Feed the Future Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems (EnGRAIS) project published the West Africa Fertilizer Business Information Guide (WAFBIG), in partnership with the West Africa Fertilizer Association (WAFA) and AfricaFertilizer.org (AFO).
A unique compilation of up-to-date fertilizer trade statistics, logistic costs and prices, production plants, regulations, quality control labs, and agronomic recommendations, “the redesigned and enriched Guide presents a regional and comprehensive overview of the fertilizer business environment in West Africa. Its purpose is to furnish existing and prospective private sector players with the requisite fertilizer business and market information to guide and inform the industry’s decision-making,” says Robin Wheeler, EnGRAIS Chief of Party.
The WAFBIG will be updated and published annually in close collaboration with WAFA and AFO.
Discover more when you download the guide from: https://ifdc.org/resources/west-africa-fertilizer-business-information-guide