Neighbors Halimatou Kandé and Fatimata Baldé live strikingly similar lives. Both women are in their fifties and have five children, two girls and three boys each. They are members of the Kawral economic group of Sare Demba Sy, located in the district of Dioulacolon, in the region of Kolda, in southern Senegal. The lives of these two women have changed significantly since they began receiving support from the Feed the Future Senegal Dundël Suuf project.
A Real Impact on Their Lives
Halimatou and Fatimata appreciate the training they received on fertilizer microdosing techniques through Dundël Suuf. Microdosing involves applying small doses of fertilizer on the hills of the target crop at planting, rather than broadcasting it all over the field. Microdosing gives crops a quick start and an earlier maturity to avoid early and late season droughts, while increasing crop yields.
It took only one off-season of production in 2020 for Halimatou and Fatimata’s lives to change. Since participating in the Dundël Suuf project, they have become increasingly independent.

“The project gave us okra, chili, eggplant, and tomato seeds and fertilizers to apply using the microdosing technique, which helped us a lot,’’ explained Halimatou.
“We got very good seeds from the Dundël Suuf project,’’ added Fatimata. “When we sowed them, the chili, okra, and tomato sprouted very well.’’
“This financial autonomy has enabled me to cover all the expenses related to my children’s schooling, clothes and supplies.”
After receiving training from the project, both women noted immediate results from microdosing.
“I harvested a very successful tomato crop. With the money earned from the sale of tomatoes alone, I was able to provide health care for one of my daughters who was seriously ill,’’ said Halimatou.

The substantial income generated by their excellent horticultural production has had a considerable impact on their households.
“I didn’t have to ask my husband for money to contribute at weddings and baptisms,” said Halimatou with a smile. “This financial autonomy has enabled me to cover all the expenses related to my children’s schooling, clothes and supplies. Every morning, I am able to give each of my children 200 CFA francs so that they can buy food at school. I am also able to provide assistance to close relatives, which I had never been able to do before.”
This sentiment was shared by Fatimata, who had been deeply in debt and had trouble meeting her expenses.

Regained Dignity and Pride
Thanks to the microdosing technique introduced by Dundël Suuf, the profits have allowed the two women to begin renovating their homes. Both have bought brand new bedroom suites and other household furniture.
About the Dundël Suuf Project
With a special focus on women’s access to productive resources, the Feed the Future Senegal Dundël Suuf project aims to increase agricultural productivity to foster an inclusive and sustained reduction in hunger, poverty, and malnutrition in Senegal. Dundël Suuf is promoting food security in Feed the Future Zones of Influence in Senegal, with a focus on rice, maize, and millet. The project has supported soil mapping to identify which fertilizer formulas work best for different crops in different areas, helped farmers access fertilizers that will work best for them, and improved the fertilizer policy and regulatory environment.