As part of the Fertilizer Sector Reform Support Project (PARSEN), an informative meeting on Niger’s targeted and traceable subsidy system utilizing electronic vouchers was held on May 16, 2023, at the residence of the U.S. Ambassador to Niger.
Before the subsidy, my production did not exceed seven bags of rice, but with the subsidy, I am now producing at least 20 bags.

“In the past, the lack of fertilizer was a hindrance to our production. Before the subsidy, my production did not exceed seven bags of rice, but with the subsidy, I am now producing at least 20 bags,” said Haoua Sanda, a rice producer in the commune of Liboré, Niamey, Niger.

The MCC Vice President of the Department of Compact Operations, Cameron Alford, took part in the event, along with Garba Yahaya, Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Mamane M. Annou, Director of MCA-Niger.

Alford and the other officials praised this initiative, a professional service to transparently support vulnerable producers.
This subsidy is timely; unlike other years, we now have fertilizer available in our cooperative at a lower price.
“This subsidy is timely; unlike other years, we now have fertilizer available in our cooperative at a lower price, with only the matching 10,000 CFA francs per bag that we vulnerable producers will have to pay, but above all of good quality,” says Hamidou Moussa, rice producer, Liboré commune, Niamey, Niger.
Twenty beneficiaries from the commune of Liboré presented a sketch illustrating the different stages of this operation, with key actors such as NITA, the company responsible for collecting the matching payment from the beneficiaries, and the Mokha Agency, manager of the online platform that ensures traceability.
PARSEN, funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)/Millennium Challenge Account (MCA)-Niger, is being implemented by the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC).