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In Nigeria’s Ogun and Oyo states, a new generation of community-oriented entrepreneurial farmers is transforming the horticulture sub-sector. These young farmers are passionate, innovative, and eager to overcome the challenges they face. Until recently, their voices often went unheard in a sector that did not recognize their full potential.

HortiNigeria’s transformational approach empowered these young people by amplifying their voices and driving sector-wide change. Since its inception, the program has worked with over 2,000 farmers in different capacities, including conducting productivity innovation training and trials, implementing campaigns on pests and diseases, and enhancing market access. 

The Challenge 

Despite their skills and entrepreneurial spirit, young farmers in Ogun and Oyo have struggled to navigate the complexities of the horticulture value chain. They were proficient in modern farming techniques and technology but lacked a unified voice to address the structural challenges they encountered, such as limited access to markets, inadequate financial resources, and horticultural policies that needed updating.  

Muhammed shows his vegetable seeds in a nursery
In a plant nursery, entrepreneur Muhammed Yakubu Bubayaro shows off his vegetable seedlings.

HortiNigeria has enabled these young farmers to advocate for more youth-centered agricultural policies, improve access to finance, and build stronger market linkages.

HortiNigeria’s Solution 

Recognizing the potential of these young farmers, HortiNigeria developed a collaborative platform specifically tailored to the needs of entrepreneurial farmers in Ogun and Oyo. This allows them to work together, both virtually and physically, to share insights on production processes and market information and to advocate for policy changes that will improve their operations.

By fostering this collaboration, HortiNigeria has created a community space where farmers can engage in meaningful dialogue, share best practices, and discuss their daily challenges. 

Nigerian farmers stand in a field during HortiNigeria's vegetable sourcing mission
Nigerian farmers attend a field visit during a HortiNigeria vegetable sourcing mission.

HortiNigeria has also facilitated mentorship opportunities that connect young entrepreneurs with experienced farmers and agricultural experts, as demonstrated by the 2024 Learning Event implemented in Abeokuta, Ogun State. The mentors guide them to overcome sector-specific obstacles, serving as a hub for knowledge sharing and advocacy. This gives young voices the space they need to push for the changes that will help them succeed. 

The Impact 

Recently, young entrepreneurial farmers identified an infestation of Tuta absoluta, a devastating pest for vegetables, in Ogun and Oyo states and reported this to the Southwest Association of Vegetable Farmers and Sellers (SWAVFS) of Nigeria. Through HortiNigeria’s community platform, they were able to amplify their concerns to the appropriate authorities, seeking support to combat the outbreak.

Young producers engage in seedling production training.

This collective voice has caught the attention of government officials, private stakeholders, and agribusinesses in the region, who are now more attuned to the needs of this emerging group of farmers. 

HortiNigeria has enabled these young farmers to advocate for more youth-centered agricultural policies, improve access to finance, and build stronger market linkages. The community has also become a marketplace for innovative ideas—farmers exchange innovative and eco-efficient solutions for crop monitoring and collaborate on ways to boost productivity through modern techniques. 

Additionally, these young entrepreneurs now play a more prominent role in decision-making processes. They regularly engage with government representatives and other stakeholders, advocating for a horticulture sub-sector that is more inclusive, technologically advanced, and youth friendly.  

Blessing Olufemi, a young professional in the horticulture sector, showcasing her healthy cucumbers.

Looking Ahead  

HortiNigeria has set the stage for a new era of agricultural transformation in Ogun and Oyo states. The once-fragmented voices of young entrepreneurial farmers are now united, empowering them to advocate for their needs and driving meaningful change within the sector.  

With HortiNigeria’s continued support, these young farmers are not merely surviving—they are thriving. And they are leading a movement toward a more sustainable, technologically driven future for Nigerian agriculture. There are ongoing plans to create a digital business-to-business (B2B) platform in 2025, thus expanding HortiNigeria’s scale of impact on regional horticulture activities.  

About HortiNigeria

HortiNigeria (2021-2025), funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Nigeria, aims to facilitate the development of a sustainable and inclusive horticulture sector that contributes to food and nutrition security in Nigeria. The program is led by IFDC and implemented together with KIT Institute, Wageningen University & Research, and East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation.