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Addis Teshome joined IFDC in late 2013 as the National Cluster Advisor for 2SCALE in Ethiopia. In 2021, Addis took his current position as 2SCALE Deputy Program Director and Ethiopia Country Representative.

The portfolio of public-private partnerships in Ethiopia, developed under his leadership, is among the best of 2SCALE. Addis is very knowledgeable about the agriculture sector and smallholder farmers. He is quite resourceful and has an extensive network of professionals and organizations in the agriculture sector. When dealing with key stakeholders, his comprehensive knowledge of IFDC’s projects, and their approaches and activities on the ground helps Addis represent IFDC Ethiopia very well.

Previous to his work at IFDC, Addis served as Value Chain Development lead for ATA, and M&E Advisor for ACDI/VOCA. He received a master’s degree in Development Studies, Rural Livelihood and Development from Addis Ababa University.