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IFDC’s work in northern Ghana has been featured in a new essay compiled by the global agriculture coalition Farming First.

The interactive essay serves to highlight the astounding impact investments in science and innovation can have. It demonstrates how investments allow for far-reaching and interrelated aspects of achieving food security, and it highlights the importance of supporting this “complex agricultural system.”

“Agriculture today is about so much more than a farmer simply planting a seed, rearing a cow or catching a fish,” the essay begins. “It takes a whole
ecosystem and a host of actors to work together to produce the food we need for a population of more than seven billion people.”

Alongside other extension projects in nations such as Honduras, Nigeria and Senegal, IFDC’s media-based extension program in northern Ghana was featured. The program is a part of our Feed the Future Ghana Agriculture Technology Transfer project, which trains farmers in good agricultural practices and helps them use new technology.

Our media-based extension project focused on training farmers in remote Ghanaian communities via radio, television and mobile “innovation vans” equipped with projectors. The project wanted to employ well-known, trusted community leaders to speak to rural farmers about good farming practices in their own language, thereby developing trust between the farmers and local agricultural organizations.

Read the full story here.