The AfricaFertilizer.org (AFO), an IFDC initiative, has completed Fertilizer Technical Working Group (FTWG) meetings in six West African countries, including Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, and Senegal. The FTWGs meetings are an annual activity organized by AFO and its partners: CountrySTAT program of the Food and Agriculture Organization; the West Africa Fertilizer Association; the Feed the Future Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems (EnGRAIS) project; and recently Development Gateway (DG), for the development of the Visualizing Insights on Fertilizer for African Agriculture (VIFAA) dashboard.
The FTWG meetings bring key public and private sector institutions and civil society organizations together to discuss, validate, and publish fertilizer statistics in each country to help stakeholders make informed decisions. This year, participants validated national fertilizer data and prepared statistical output tables on fertilizer imports, exports, and apparent consumption for 2020 in each country.
AFO is collaborating with DG to develop the VIFAA dashboards for Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya. The Kenya dashboard has been launched, while Ghana and Nigeria are finalizing their dashboards. The dashboards will help stakeholders make decisions in real time and based on facts, make data more valuable, consolidate data, provide objective view of performance, give the bigger picture, and reveal problem areas in the sector.
More about AFO activities: africafertilizer.org