With funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) will hold a five-day training program, July 22-26 in Lomé, Togo, for women through the Feed the Future Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems (EnGRAIS) project for West Africa.
This initiative aims to address agricultural productivity challenges in West Africa by empowering women aggregators with knowledge and skills to improve yields using agro-input packages (AIPs), the Fertilizer and Seed Recommendations Map for West Africa (FeSeRWAM), and the 4Rs of Nutrient Stewardship (right source, right rate, right time, right place).
West African countries face significant agricultural productivity challenges, largely due to inadequate use of quality seeds and fertilizers, as well as failing to employ good agricultural practices (GAPs). However, farmers can increase productivity by applying AIPs, which include information on improved seed varieties, appropriate fertilizer recommendations, and GAPs specific to respective agroecological zones.
The FeSeRWAM online platform facilitates access to the most suitable AIPs for specific locations in West Africa. Complementing these tools, the 4Rs of Nutrient Stewardship principles guide effective fertilizer application, maximizing benefits while minimizing environmental impacts.

Women aggregators play a crucial role in the agriculture value chain in West Africa. However, many of them lack in-depth knowledge of the life-changing benefits of fertilizers and improved seeds.
This training program aims to equip a sample of women from all over West Africa with specific knowledge on the 4Rs of Nutrient Stewardship and the FeSeRWAM platform, as well as the associated AIPs and GAPs for their respective regions.
They, in turn, will be able to promote the adoption of these tools and principles among their peers through their various networks. This approach supports increased access to evidence-based information to dispel myths about improved seed varieties and chemical fertilizers.
Participants will also have the opportunity to practice what they learn during a field trip to a women’s cooperative in Tsévié, near Lomé. Throughout the training, comprehensive guides will be provided to enhance the learning experience. A dedicated online forum will be established to assist the participants in their outreach efforts, and regular follow-ups will address emerging challenges and provide updates. The workshop will also support attendees in planning how to disseminate the content of this training to other women in the agriculture sector.
Scheduled for July 22-26 in Lomé, Togo, this training workshop will be an opportunity to give women the place they deserve and to empower them further.
For more information, contact:
Claire Sacramento (Knowledge Management and Communications Specialist, csacramento@ifdc.org)
The Feed the Future Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems (EnGRAIS) Project for West Africa is one of the many assistance programs supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).