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Dr. Bachir Issoufa, country director, Niger, and former program manager of the PARSEN program, has devoted his career to agricultural development, especially in Africa. He has been a part-time lecturer at public and private universities in Niger since 2012. Dr. Issoufa served as a temporary consultant in agricultural entrepreneurship for World Resources Institute (USA), for SME Incubator Center of Niger, and for the Dalberg advising firm. He was a Research and Development Officer for the Committee for Supporting Local Development (CADEL) from 2011 to 2017 and the General Director of Agri Business Consulting Company (ABC) from 2016 to 2019.

In March 2019, Dr. Issoufa joined SNV as Partnership Facilitator. Then in 2021, he became the Niger Country Team Leader of the 2SCALE program.

Dr. Issoufa holds a bachelor’s degree in agronomic science. He earned a master’s degree in environmental protection from Abdou Moumouni University in Niger and a doctorate in soil science from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana.