Recognizing the critical importance of soil health and fertilizer, the African Union Commission, through the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (DARBE), in collaboration with the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), Regional Economic Communications (RECs), and partners, is set to host the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) Summit at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) in Nairobi, Kenya, from May 7-9, 2024.
The AFSH Summit will bring together global and African public and private sector leaders to address the crucial challenges and opportunities related to soil health and fertilizer.
The International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) is honored to be a sponsor of the upcoming Summit and aims to contribute to the discussions and initiatives that will define the role of fertilizer in building soil health on the African continent.
IFDC invites you to the following events that will be held on the sidelines of the upcoming Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit.
IFDC-Hosted Side Events
1. Mapping Organic Feedstock Sources in Africa: A Step Towards Nature Positive Fertilizer Production
Date: May 7, 2024
Time: 1530 to 1700 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: Kenyatta International Convention Center, Lawns, Tent 6
Partners: Cranfield University UK, the African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI), Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO), National Science Foundation, Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), IFDC, International Fertilizer Association (IFA), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Global Partnership in Nutrient Management (GPNM).
2. Propelling Data-Driven Decisions in Fertilizer and Soil Health: Lessons Learned from the Abuja Declaration Building Fertilizer Data Sets and Developing a Pathway for Measuring Changes in Soil Health.
Date: May 7, 2024
Time: 1700 to 1830 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: Kenyatta International Convention Center, Aberdare Hall, Lower Ground Floor
Partners: The African Union Commission, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Development Gateway, IFDC, AfricaFertilizer, Wallace & Associates, International Fertilizer Association (IFA), African Development Bank, and CGIAR.
3. From Vision to Reality: West Africa & Sahel’s Fertilizer and Soil Health Declaration and Roadmap
This session will be moderated by Alain Sy Traoré, ECOWAS Director of Agriculture and Rural Development, with Dr. Youl Sansan, Chief of Party of the EnGRAIS Project, and Dr. Fofana Bidjokazo, Project Director of the Soil Values program, as panel members.
Date: Tuesday 7 May 2024, 1700-1830 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: Lawns, Tent 6
Partners: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), IFDC, AGRA, and the West African Fertilizer Association (WAFA).
4. Digging Deeper: Advancements in Soil Health Monitoring for Sustainable Food Systems and Climate Resilience
Date: May 7, 2024
Time: 1400 to 1530 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: Kenyatta International Convention Center, Lawns, Tent 8
Partners: Coalition of Action for Soil Health (CA4SH), IFDC, CIMMYT, One Acre Fund.
These side events will provide thought-provoking and meaningful dialogue that will showcase the critical role of soil health in driving sustainable agricultural growth in Africa and the fundamental steps that should be taken to get there.
IFDC Participation in Other Side Events
Reflections on Donors and Development Partner Coordination Mechanism for SIA and AFSH-Action Plan
IFDC President and CEO Henk van Duijn will moderate “Reflections on Donors and Development Partner Coordination Mechanism for SIA and AFSH-Action Plan.”
Date: Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 1400-1530 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: KICC, Lenana Hall, Lower Ground Floor
Pathways to Resilient Fertilizer Markets Using Evidence-Based Learning to Drive Policy Measures and Government Strategies for Building Resilient Fertilizer Markets for Food Security
Henk van Duijn will moderate “Pathways to Resilient Fertilizer Markets Using Evidence-Based Learning to Drive Policy Measures and Government Strategies for Building Resilient Fertilizer Markets for Food Security”
Date: Tuesday 7 May 2024, 1530-1700 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: KICC’s Upper Comesa Tent 7
Soil Health Agenda- Integrating Organic Fertilizers with Mineral Fertilizers Policy Brief Launch (Towards Integrated Soil Fertility Management)
Director of Soil Health and Agricultural Productivity Dr. Ekwe Dossa will be a panelist on “Soil Health Agenda- Integrating Organic Fertilizers with Mineral Fertilizers Policy Brief Launch (Towards Integrated Soil Fertility Management).”
Date: Tuesday 7 May 2024, 1530-1700 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: The Lawns Tent 1
Dakar 2 High-Level Event on the State of Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health: Policy, Governance, and Institutional Framework to Accelerate Country Food and Agriculture Delivery Compacts
IFDC Vice President of Programs Dr. Oumou Camara will attend the High-Level Event titled “The State of the African Fertilizer and Soil Health: Policy, Governance, and Institutional Framework to Accelerate Country Food and Agriculture Delivery Compacts.”
Date: Tuesday 7 May 2024, 1700-1830 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: Amphitheatre Hall (2nd Floor)
Strategies to Foster Africa’s Resilience to Global Fertilizer Crises
IFDC Vice President of Programs Dr. Oumou Camara will moderate “Strategies to Foster Africa’s Resilience to Global Fertilizer Crises.”
Date: Wednesday, 8 May 2024, 1130-1230 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: Kenyatta International Convention Center (KICC), Amphitheatre
Coalition of Implementers for Fertilizer and Soil Health
Henk van Duijn will moderate the “Coalition of Implementers for Fertilizer and Soil Health.”
Date: Wednesday 8 May 2024, 1400-1530 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: The Lawns, Tent 5
Improving Soil Health through Empowering Women Farmers
Research Scientist and Geographic Information System Specialist Dr. Mercy Ngunjiri will be a panelist on “Improving Soil Health through Empowering Women Farmers.”
Date: Wednesday 8 May 2024, 1400-1530 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: The Lawns, Tent 1
A Sustainable Food-Secure Future for West Africa and the Sahel: Launching a New Regional Hub for Strengthening the Fertilizer Sector and Improving Soil Health
Henk van Duijn will be a panelist at the event, “A sustainable food secure future for West Africa and the Sahel: Launching a new regional hub for strengthening the fertilizer sector and improving soil health.”
Date: Wednesday, 8 May 2024, 1530-1700 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: The Lawns, Tent 9
Development of an Evolving Pan-African Decision Support Tool and Rock Phosphate Activation Project for Enhanced Crop Production
IFDC Vice President of Research Dr. Upendra Singh will moderate “Development of an Evolving Pan-African Decision Support Tool and Rock Phosphate Activation Project for Enhanced Crop Production.”
Date: Wednesday 8 May 2024, 1530–1700 hrs (GMT+3)
Location: Upper Comesa, Tent 6