The AfricaFertilizer (AFO) initiative is the premier source for fertilizer statistics and information in Africa. It is hosted by IFDC and supported by several partners key, including IFA, Argus Media, and Development Gateway. Since 2009, AFO has been collecting, processing, and publishing fertilizer production, trade, and consumption statistics for the principal fertilizer markets in sub-Saharan Africa. AFO has an extensive network of fertilizer industry actors in the main fertilizer trade corridors and maintains key information on the major producers, their production facilities and capacities, importers/suppliers, various distribution channels, and agricultural service suppliers (laboratory services, research, credit providers, and warehousing/storage services).
AfricaFertilizer encourages and coordinates partnerships and data-sharing mechanisms that provide information on fertilizer statistics and market intelligence.

Goals Met
- Yearly validation of statistics data on production, imports, exports, and apparent and actual fertilizer consumption for countries across sub-Saharan Africa.
- Developed and deployed Visualizing Insights on Fertilizer for African Agriculture (VIFAA) jointly with Development Gateway to provide easy access to vital fertilizer statistics through seven country-specific dashboards.
- Yearly publication of the Register of Fertilizer Manufacturing and Processing Plants.
- Retail prices, subsidized prices, and international prices of fertilizers monitored monthly in 14 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and distributed to more than 3,200 subscribers globally.
Making Fertilizer Available to All
AfricaFertilizer encourages and coordinates partnerships and data-sharing mechanisms that provide information in two primary areas:
- Fertilizer statistics, such as production, trade, consumption, prices, production capacities and fertilizer use per crop.
- Fertilizer market intelligence, including fertilizer policies and regulations, subsidy programs, business and product directories, publications and news.
AFO sources, aggregates, filters, and shares information on fertilizer through the web-based portal africafertilizer.org
AFO offers a combination of information and media channels and tools – from comprehensive websites and searchable online statistics to policies market news, product catalogs, and business directories; it also now includes social media and mobile applications.
AFO is interacting with major international databases such as FAOSTAT and IFADATA, fertilizer intelligence agencies, and several regional and national agro-input market information systems – reaching 10,000 agro-dealers and millions of farmers across West and East Africa.
Sign Up for the Monthly FertiNews Newsletter
Project Results
- Published the 2022 Register of Fertilizer Manufacturing and Processing Facilities, which monitors and maps operational fertilizer plants throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
- Updated fertilizer data and statistics at 14 country validation workshops held in West and East Africa.
- Published 12 monthly editions of the Africa Fertilizer Watch to examine the fertilizer sector’s response to availability and affordability issues and geopolitical shocks from the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
- Disseminated 12 editions of the FertiNews e-newsletter on fertilizer statistics, market conditions, and general fertilizer news.
- Distributed 13 country fact sheets to partners and donors.
- Published the 2021 Register of Fertilizer Manufacturing and Processing Facilities, which monitors and maps operational fertilizer plants throughout sub-Saharan Africa, excluding South Africa.
- Updated fertilizer data and statistics at 11 country validation workshops held in West and East Africa.
- Published four quarterly editions of the Africa Fertilizer Watch to detail the fertilizer sector’s response to COVID-19.
- Disseminated 12 editions of the FertiNews e-newsletter on fertilizer statistics, market comments, and general fertilizer news.
- Distributed 11 country factsheets to partners and donors.
- Produced the 2020 Fertilizer Plant Register recording/mapping operational fertilizer plants in SSA, excluding South Africa.
- Updated 2020 fertilizer data and statistics at six workshops held in West Africa.
- Supported the publication of 12 editions of the West Africa Fertilizer Watch, six editions of the East and Southern Africa Fertilizer Watch, and six editions of the Africa Fertilizer Watch to monitor the fertilizer sector’s response to COVID-19.
- Developed and disseminated 12 editions of the FertiNews e-newsletter on fertilizer statistics, market comments, and general fertilizer news.
- Fertilizer Technical Working Group workshops were held to validate 2018 statistics data on production, imports, exports, and apparent and actual fertilizer consumption for 9 countries across sub-Saharan Africa.
- Launch of the Visualizing Insights on Fertilizer for African Agriculture (VIFAA) initiative by Development Gateway, jointly implemented with AFO in Kenya, Ghana, and Nigeria, with the aim to holistically address the supply, demand, and use of fertilizer data at both country and regional levels to encourage the use of fertilizer data for decision-making.
- The 4th edition of the “Register of Fertilizer Manufacturing and Processing Plants” was published. It included information on 14 manufacturing plants and 87 processing plants, noting a 47% increase in the installation of fertilizer processing plants.
- Retail prices, subsidized prices, and international prices of fertilizers have been monitored on a monthly basis in 14 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and form the FertiNews e-bulletin, which is distributed to more than 3,200 subscribers across Africa and globally.
Related Publications
Workshop Highlights
AfricaFertilizer Highlights of the Nigeria 2024 Fertilizer Technical Working Groups Workshop (EN)
AfricaFertilizer Highlights of the Nigeria 2024 Fertilizer Technical Working Groups Workshop (FR)
Country Fertilizer Statistics
Nigeria Fertilizer Statistics Overview 2024 (EN)
Nigeria Fertilizer Statistics Overview 2024 (FR)
Request for Proposals
Documentary to Showcase the Impact of the VIFAA Project
Technical Report
2019 Fertilizer Statistics Validation Workshops: Fertilizer Technical Working Groups (FTWG)
Policy Brief
Impact Case Study